High Country Registration for OWL 2023/24 Cohort

This registration and interest form is for a new 2023-2024 OWL Cohort, which begins September 2023. The total cost will be $300 received in payments or all at once. To hold a space now, $50 deposit is required. If you want to help with workshops, get trained or know of someone to help with this sexuality curriculum, please write this in the last box "Specific Requests, Questions, Comments"

We do have funds available for scholarships as needed.
Guardian #1

Guardian #2

Youth Registrant #1

School They Attend

Please select one option.
Grade 2023/24 school year

Please select one option.
Youth Registrant #2

School Youth #2 Attends

Please select one option.
Grade for Youth #2 for 2023/24 School Year

Please select one option.
Guardian #1 Address

Guardian #2 Address

Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.


This registration and interest form is for a new 2023-2024 OWL Cohort, which begins September 2023. The total cost will be $300 received in payments or all at once. To hold a space now, $50 deposit is required. If you want to help with workshops, get trained or know of someone to help with this sexuality curriculum, please write this in the last box "Specific Requests, Questions, Comments"

We do have funds available for scholarships as needed.